Swidget 1.0

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


A few websites have started linking us up on their websites and just wanted to take a second to thank them publicly for their support. It's never easy to get something like I'm trying to do started and it's nice to know someone has your back.

We'd like to acknowledge the nice folks over at http://www.nodq.com for retweeting our post about our new blog page on twitter you can follow them at @nodqdotcom

MMA site The Savage Science was one of our very first followers on twitter and I definitely like how they run their site. They have us listed under their allies section and we definitely feel the same for them. You can check their site out over at http://www.thesavagescience.com and follow them on their twitter @savsci

Finally a fellow tweeter had some nice things to say about us in a recent tweet. We'd just like to acknowledge them in a thank you. So thank you @chris_slater for the kind words we hope you stick around and see what other madness we can come up with.

As always I welcome e-mails at twd@amainefamily.com I will answer all I get and I will even post fan mail if I am ever lucky enough to get any. Feel free to submit your pictures, wrestling stories/memories, what have you? You send it to me and most likely I'll blog it for the world.

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